Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

  • First, do no harm, by using methods and medicines that minimize the risk of harmful side effects.

  • Treat the causes of disease, by identifying and removing the underlying causes of illness, rather than suppressing symptoms.

  • Teach the principles of healthy living and preventative medicine, by sharing knowledge and encouraging individual responsibility for health.   

  • Heal the whole person through individualized treatment, by understanding the unique physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social and spiritual factors that contribute to illness, and customizing individualized treatment protocols. 

  • Emphasize prevention, by partnering with the patient to assess risk factors and recommend appropriate Naturopathic interventions to maintain health and prevent illness.  

  • Support the healing power of nature, by recognizing and removing obstacles to the body's inherent self-healing process.

Frequently Asked Questions About Naturopathic Medicine

Q:  How are Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) trained?

As with many other licensed health professions, an ND is required to first complete pre-medical studies at university. NDs then enter into a four year, full-time medical program at an accredited school of Naturopathic medicine. There are two accredited Naturopathic medical programs in Canada:
- The Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (New Westminster, British Columbia) 
- The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (Toronto, Ontario)

Naturopathic training includes basic, medical, and clinical science;  diagnostics; naturopathic principles and therapeutics; and 1500 hours of clinical  experience under the supervision of licensed naturopathic doctors. Upon successful completion of an accredited program, students are then eligible to sit for the second stage of the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Exam (NPLEX) and take provincial or state board examinations to obtain licensure. Graduates receive the title "ND" or Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine.
Q. ND's provide 'Individualized Treatment', what does that mean? Is it safe?

Providing safe, effective, individualized treatment is the goal of Naturopathic medicine. Each patient has a unique story; history, genetics, dietary habits, lifestyle and associated health concerns. Your ND will work with you to determine the  underlying cause(s) of your health concerns and create an individualized treatment plan to support your body's innate healing ability. A primary role of the ND is that of teacher - patient's are educated in order to make informed, effective self-care choices to optimize health and wellness. 

Naturopathic diagnosis and therapeutics are supported by scientific research drawn from peer-reviewed journals from many disciplines, including naturopathic medicine, conventional medicine and functional medicine, European complementary medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), clinical nutrition, phytotherapy, pharmacognosy, homeopathy, psychology and spirituality. Treatments are also guided by epidemiological evidence, as indicated by centuries of traditional use, or practices, demonstrating both effectiveness and safety. 

Q. What kind of labs or diagnostic testing can ND’s in Ontario order?

Please see our diagnostics page for a description of tests NDs may order should clients wish testing.

Q. How is Naturopathic Medicine in Ontario regulated?

ND’s in Ontario are regulated by the College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO)

Q: What are the fees charged for Naturopathic care? Is it covered by insurance??

Please see our Contact and Fees page. Fees for Naturopathic visits are based on the CAND fee schedule. Please see the CAND website for more information to this and other questions you may have pertaining to Naturopathic Medicine.